This is a writeup for the public CTF hosted by NoSoSecure for the celebration of SQLi Labs’s launch. It started 16:00 BST on Friday 25th October and ended 21:00 BST on Sunday 27th October. Three PizzaEaters’ members participated.

First flag

In the mail containing the instructions to start the CTF, the following URL was supplied:

This page requires an username and password, but there was no mention of it in the email. We submitted the form empty, and noticed a HTTP 302 redirect with the following information:


We noticed the hex encoding and we decoded the string with this simple Python script:

s = '7365637265745f72656769737465722e68746d6c'
print ''.join([chr(int(s[n:n+2], 16)) for n in xrange(0, len(s), 2)])

The output was secret_register.html. Opening the page we are greeted with a registration form which we filled and noticed that the registration is performed through a GET request:

After that, we see a page with a link to a login page, after logging in we are redirected to uber_secret.php. After the redirect, we noticed the server set a HTTP cookie containing an encoded information in the session_id field:

Set-Cookie: session_id=Zm9vQGJhci5jb20%3D

It looked like base64 to us, and it was:

$ echo -n "Zm9vQGJhci5jb20=" | base64 -d

It seems the page sets a cookie containing the user’s email. “This thing probably has an admin user”, we thought, so we started injecting SQL using that username. We tried using username and then name as the column name, the latter was correct. So, injecting !!' or name = 'admin, we noticed that session_id was changed to YWRtaW5Ac3FsaWxhYnMuY29t, which after decoding means

Perfect! We just found the flaw. Now we need to figure out the password column and the table name to retrieve the password from the admin user. We assumed the column would be called password so we now only had to discover the table name. We looked up for tables with password-named columns with the following SQL:

!!' union select (select table_name from information_schema.columns where column_name = 'password'), 'a

Turns out it was called users, how predictable. Why didn’t we try users before typing all that SQL?

Now we only need to know the user’s password. Injecting this we got sqlilabRocKs!! as administrator password:

!!' union select password, name from users where name = 'admin

Logging in using admin and sqlilabRocKs!! we see the instruction to the next flag:

Well done, Flag is 815290. 2nd flag is in file secret.txt

Second flag

The first flag revealed that the server had a /secret.txt file, which we tried to read using load_file() in a SQLi only to find that we were unable to do so. How foolish of us, of course they wouldn’t make it that easy.

After we put some thought on it, a member of our team suggested trying to read /etc/passwd and we did it by injecting !!' union select load_file('/etc/passwd'), 'a as the value of the myusername field in a POST request to checklogin.php. Guess what we found? There was an user which had his password field set:


We ssh’d into using that username and password and it worked. Now we only had to read /secret.txt:

cat: /secret.txt: Permission denied

Oh snap! Why can’t we read it? ls -l revealed it could only be read by www-data:

-r--------   1 www-data www-data   684 Oct 25 07:46 secret.txt

We couldn’t use sudo or su, we didn’t find any exploitable suid executable (we didn’t search thoroughly actually) and we could not put a script into /var/www to dump the file’s contents. “damn”, we thought, “how the hell are we going to read that file?”. After looking for more options, we went to apache’s configuration directory and then into it’s mods-enabledfolder and we saw this:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 Oct  6 17:17 userdir.conf -> ../mods-available/userdir.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 Oct  6 17:17 userdir.load -> ../mods-available/userdir.load

“Mua-ha-ha!” Now everything seemed clear, and it was. We created ~temp12/public_html and put a little PHP script to dump the file:

<?php echo file_get_contents('/secret.txt');

We opened the URL and there it was, the flag. We had finally reached the goal of our quest:

Well done, 2nd Flag is 128738213812990. email both the flags to [...]

What a pleasant journey we had! Thank you to SQLi Labs and NotSoSecure for all the fun. See you next time!